While doing any Web Design or Development projects, we usually need to use a lot of actual images to stronger our interface instead of leaving empty space there. However, sometimes we only need some random images, especially for developers. Thanks for many nice people those who already created many tools for us to pick up random images/photos so that we can save tons of time.
Unsplash It
Beautiful placeholders using images from unsplash

Placeholder Images for every case. Webdesign or Print. It’s simple and absolutely free!

Lorem Flickr
LoremFlickr provides placeholder images for every case, web or print, on almost any subject, in any size. It’s simple and free.
Photos come from Flickr and have a Creative Commons license. The flavour of the license is shown in the top left of the image. The name of the image and the author are shown in the bottom left.

Quick & simple image placeholders.

Add a width, height and category. It’s that simple.

A quick and simple service for getting pictures of kittens for use as placeholders in your designs or code.

Dynamic Dummy Image Generator

FPO means For Placement Only and is commonly used for providing a placeholder image where actual content will reside in a publication, website, or similar.
The goal of FPOImg.com is simple—-provide an easy way to generate placeholder images for your designs whether it be for web development, print, or a school paper